
自分達が作る京都圃場のお野菜を始め、 日本中の生産者様から美味しいお野菜をご紹介。 季節外れのイベント用商材、珍しい地方の青果も集めてまいります。

Introducing delicious vegetables from producers all over Japan, including vegetables from Kyoto farms that we make. We will also collect out-of-season event products and rare regional fruits and vegetables.


80を超える国内生産者様からの出荷、卸業という同じ立ち位置でも助け合うプロによる調達に加え、海外拠点から独自の集荷も可能です。 FG、加工用、贈答用といった用途の違いによる集荷や季節とは関係なく必要な青果も一生懸命探してまいります。

In addition to shipping from more than 80 domestic producers and procurement by professionals who help each other in the same position of wholesale, we can also collect original collection from overseas bases. We look forward to looking for the necessary fruits and vegetables regardless of the season and collection due to differences in usage such as FG, processing, and gifts.


京都府にて弊社が運営する農業生産法人”西原農産“で栽培された野菜に加え、圃場周辺協力生産者様との連携、これまで培ってきた国内中の優れた生産者様からの仕入れを行っております。 またアセアンからの直輸入を始め、世界中の野菜仕入が可能です。

In addition to vegetables cultivated by the agricultural production corporation “Nishihara Agricultural Products” operated by our company in Kyoto Prefecture, we will collaborate with cooperative producers around the field and purchase from excellent producers in Japan. I'm going. It is also possible to purchase vegetables from all over the world, including direct import from ASEAN.
